Thursday 7 April 2011

With a smile on your face and a tear right in your eye.

Sorry I didn't post last week. This week will be very brief as I'm in a bit of a rush.

I did a drawing of Chrestomanci as a bit of a tribute to Diana Wynne Jones, who sadly passed away recently.

Just a quick job. I like her though.

A small section of the Mother's Day card I made for, well, my mother. 

This is a picture of The Doctor, from Doctor Who. It's <i>by far</i> the most popular thing I've ever posted on Tumblr. The power of fandom eh?

This is Jack, Linton, and Sonny, from John Allison's excellent Bad Machinery. It's an excellent read and I highly recommend it!

I drew a picture on paper! I didn't have a clue what to draw so I just did some hair, and then took it from there.