Wednesday, 19 January 2011

"It definitely looks like they got in over this wall"

I don't really want to show anything from The Lost Emperor yet (not that there's much to show) so instead this update will be a few of my daily sketches. These usually appear on my tumblr as well.

I also thought it might be interesting to see the stages I go through when drawing, in this case, a fairly simple picture of a face. I'm still working out how to draw on a computer myself, so a lot of the time I'm making it up as I go along. The pictures should speak for themselves:

Not long after this Tracy J. Butler's guide to expressions did the rounds on twitter, and from there I found my way to the How-to-Draw and How-to-Paint sections of her website. I then had a lie down and have a bit of a cry. (In all seriousness though, how brilliant is that website? I don't even particularly like cats!)

I bought Marc Ellerby's latest Chloe Noonan book the other day, and enjoyed it a lot (you can buy it here), and so drew a picture of the titular character: 

The following pictures are just me trying out various things for the most part: 

Thursday, 13 January 2011

The Lost Emperor.

This is what I shall be doing with my spare time this year. I'm very excited about it:

(click to make bigger, as usual)

Here are a couple more previews. They're miles from being the finished article.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Love and Murder

Oh hello, I hope 2011 began in fine fashion for you. I intend to fill this year with some exciting things, and so I've spent much of the week having Ideas. A few of these relate to things I'll eventually be able to post here, but not all, and none are yet ready.

In the meantime, here are a few pictures:

There were three(!) new Marples on over Christmas and New Year. I not nearly so much of a fan of any of the versions over the years as I am of Suchet's Poirot, but I felt a quick doodle was in order anyway. For some reason, in my head, Marple should have very beady eyes; at least when she's sleuthing anyway. 

In this case I just felt like drawing something sincere. A little nervous sincere person to love you all. (Well, to love someone anyway). 

This is a very rough sketch done from memory of a photo I once saw. If anyone knows where it's from, or has seen the photo, it'd be great if you could let me know. For some reason her clothes fascinate me. (I'm not sure how accurate it is, so anything half-similar might be the picture I'm thinking of.)

These two come as a pair, and they are intentionally drawn and coloured in a simple way, particularly the chap with the green t-shirt. You'll see why soon. 

I'll be doing a new comic this year by the way. Adventures in the Airtrade, all four pages of it, isn't something that's going to take off (ahem) for me right now. I still know the story, and I'm sure I'll come to it one day, but there are a few things I didn't think through beforehand that I need to work on. It was, however, a great learning tool, and has helped me a lot when it came to writing this new story. 

The only thing I can promise so far is that I'll be breaking what seems to be one of the main rules of comics and doing lots of small panels to a page, HergĂ©-style.  Almost all of them will be rectangular. How you'll cope I can't imagine.