Saturday, 30 July 2011

"Organizer of public gaiety, curator of a richly encrusted happiness"

 Saturday Special!

I really love the Instagram app. This isn't just because of the various filters, which are excellent, but also because of the way in which it lets you share your images so easily to various social media accounts whilst maintaining its own community.

In any case, I recently decided to stick a through of my recent drawings through it and see what come up. Some, I think, worked better than others, but all are pretty interesting!

Thursday, 28 July 2011

"I want to give a party where there’s a brawl and seductions and people going home with their feelings hurt."

The cricket in the last week has been pretty exciting eh? do watch cricket, yes? No? Oh well, just take my word for it.

In any event, here is a drawing of a cricketer:

Sadly this was the only "proper" drawing I had time for this week, so the following three are all quick little numbers: 

This is a super-rapid drawing of Emma Watson, based on this photograph. I love just scribbling sometimes. 

A scowly young lady. 

Just messing about with a new way of drawing/colouring. Not bad for a quick picture! 

See you all next week. 

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

With a smile on your face, and a tear right in your eye.

You have probably noticed that the blog looks a bit different. I've also redesigned my tumblr and twitter pages. Still not certain if this is a final design yet, so you might see it change further before too long!

The really neat idea I had the other week still isn't finished, mostly because I got myself a second job, so ended up much busier than expected. In any event it's coming along nicely. In the meantime may I present to you the following:

I have a confession, I mispronounce Rapunzel all of the time. I am corrected every single time. I will then proceed to say it wrong the next time it comes up. 

In retrospect it's surprising how often Rapunzel comes up in conversation. Huh. In any event here is a picture of the lady in question. She's a bit grumpy because, well, wouldn't you be? 

I also thought I would share with you the original line work, since I was very pleased with it. Particularly the hair. For whatever reason I always really like drawing hair. 

This is a picture of my friend Anna. Anna is enormously cool for a number of reasons, but a prime one is that she runs a bookshop. She also really likes olives, which is why there's a glowing bowl of them here. It made more sense at the time, I swear. 

This is a five minute doodle of a situation I found myself in when I got home the other day. It was so hot.  So hot. I let Stephen Fry read me stories for a bit whilst I just stood there, unable to finish getting changed, just sort of laughing at myself. 

Finally here are some free tester business cards I had made from! They seem really good, so I'm going to look into perhaps buying some. Need to finalise what goes on them though. 

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

"Dance, and Provençal song, and sunburnt mirth!"

Hey everyone! I hope you've all been enjoying the manic sunshine/crushing rain.

I'm pretty pleased with my offerings this week, I have to say.

I drew a Harry Potter in a cynical bid for Tumblr popularity. It didn't work out even a little bit, but I do not mind. I'm extremely happy with it. One of those moments where I feel I've "moved forward" a step.

I'd love to tell you that this is a damning social critique, but really it's just something that would absolutely terrify me. I don't think I could cope if I woke up one morning as a puppet. 

I made some slight changes to the colouring on the Middle-Aged Superman from the last entry. I think it looks better like this. 

I'm working on something as I type that I wish I could share with you, as I think it will be pretty good when it's finished, but there's no way it will be done this evening. Hopefully for next time!