Wednesday, 29 September 2010

All quiet on the western front.

Apologies for the silence that past couple of weeks, I'm trying to get myself onto a teaching course, as well as a few other things, so doodling has fallen by the wayside somewhat. The next page of my comic should be up soon.

This then, is a fill-in post, and not nearly as busy as the regular ones.

I picked up Manga Studio the other day, and have only had a very brief chance to mess around with it. My main intention was to add tones and so on to paper-drawn comics, but I may use it to draw on as well. I haven't messed around with brush settings or anything on there, and it already feels incredibly friendly and easy to use.

Compare the paper-drawn:

With the computer-drawn:

Clearly I have picked entirely wrong tones, and the font is utterly terrible, (we shan't even talk about the lady's shoulders/torso) but I feel like it has a lot of potential, particularly as the drawing was very quick.

Here's another quick example, the pencil-on-paper version is in a previous post: 

There's still all manner of mistakes, but I think I'm going in the right direction, and the ease is pretty phenomenal. 

Edit - I forgot to add the following: 

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