Friday, 26 August 2011

You haunt me with your violent heartbeat at night.

Every so often I'll take a long, hard, look in the mirror and say "Liam, you're getting stale. You need to up your game."

For a moment I'll look quizzical, confused even, before forcing determination into my face. I will then say something along the lines of "Liam, you need to draw...a bicycle".

And lo!

There are also days when I decide that certain people just need to lighten up, to chill out. Sometimes the people in question are fictional. One person that really needs to calm himself down is Batman.

Finally, my friend Amanda (previously seen twice in this post) got in a fight with the sun this time last week. It's fair to say that she lost, and has since sacrificed the use of her legs to the burn god. She is, essentially, half-mummy. 

Bonus track! Unfinished panel of short secret comic: 

Friday, 19 August 2011

To a rainbow like you.

I've been trying out a couple of new things this week, some of which have been pretty successful. (Remember that you can click on images to make them bigger).

I have a tendency to shy away from drawing backgrounds, as I am wont to overcomplicate things before losing interest. Here I kept things intentionally simple, leaving me free to try out some new things with colouring. For the most part I'm extremely pleased with how this came out. 

Twice these week I've decided not to colour a drawing. This was the first, and it was largely because I wanted to mess about lines-for-shadow a bit. This, like the majority of my pictures, was drawn in Manga Studio. 

This, on the other hand, was drawn straight into Photoshop. I usually use Photoshop just for colouring, and after this experiment it is likely to stay this way for a while to come. Despite messing about making brushes and so on, I just found the whole drawing and inking process incredibly laborious. I know of several people that work exclusively in Photoshop, and I wish I knew their approach! 

As a wee lad Luke Skywalker was my favourite Star Wars character. It seems obvious really; after all, he was the hero! The jedi! No amount of whining can detract from the classic farmboy-to-saviour role when you're a child. 

I’ve never much understood the people who say (claim) that, for example, Boba Fett was their favourite. You’re talking about Star Wars friend, it’s not gonna make you cooler no matter how you approach it. 

Han Solo is, of course, entirely understandable. 

Friday, 12 August 2011

I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day.

I've had these pictures sitting around for about a week, but life kept getting in the way of me sitting down and actually putting them in a new post.

It was my brother Ben's birthday* last week, so I drew him this:

It's good to see that I'm improving at this scribbling lark, considering that last year I drew him a picture based on this (I've lost the final version):

The last pictures on here are based on photos I am afraid. Just stuff to try and keep me fresh. The first one was based on this photo and, I think, was a bit of a success:

The second was from Calivintage, and I didn't half have problems with it. Looking at it now I know some minor alterations I'd make, but I think I'll just move on. The first colour looked like this and was such a mess that I decided on a very stripped back recolour. 

My summer job finished today, so hopefully you can expect some more pictures soon.

*alliteration station