Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Sit down by the fire and I'll tell you a story.

I love stories, and writing, and the sheer act of storytelling. Love it. I write an awful lot, usually short stories, but I've a few longer projects. That said, it wasn't until very recently that I tried my hand at the noble art of comics. I would like to show you my very first attempt; a single-page nostalgic story about going to my dad's cricket matches as a child. I seem to have mislaid it though. As a cover-up here's a little planning sketch I did for it:

Doesn't tell you much does it? 

Here are some other basic sketch ideas I've done for a children's story I'm going to be writing. I think it will be more an illustrated story than a comic. Obviously these are very rough.

I've not actually even begun working on this story, so you might be wondering why I've bothered to share these. Well, the doodles for this rather lead into my current story, which I'll write about next time. 

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